Welcome to the Chia Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

How to Play

Follow these steps to play the game:

  1. Log in: Use the CLI, Wallet GUI, or WalletConnect to log in.
  2. Load Your Virtual Wallet: Before starting a game, you need to load money into your Game Wallet.
  3. Open a Game: Select the amount to bet and choose Rock, Paper, or Scissors. Additionally, provide a private key to hide your selection.
  4. Wait for an Opponent: The public and player oracles will point to your game, making it accessible to other players.
  5. Join a Game: If you find an open game, join by placing a matching bet and making your selection.
  6. Reveal Your Selection: If an opponent joins, you must reveal your choice using your private passphrase. If you do not reveal within 24 hours, the opponent can claim the total amount bet.
  7. Claim or Close the Game:
    • If the first player does not reveal their selection within 24 hours, the second player can claim the bet.
    • If no opponent joins within 24 hours, the first player can close the game and withdraw their bet.